Week 6

Something I love is date night with my hubby. Its a very few times that we get to go out alone. Due to our wonderful daughter, which we would rather spend time with her. But who doesn't need alone time once a month! This night we went to a restaurant / bar, its not called campus. Campus is a place in front of place we had our date night, campus just looked alot better then the restaurant.

I got to do a awesome photo shoot with a cute little girl. She is the same little girl that I got to take her 6 month photos. And this is her one year photos. I got to take her 1st year photos and 1st Birthday party photos. and with having the photo shop and learning about different kinds of actions, It made it so fun to edit this photo shoot. Stuff that I couldn't ever figure out that photographers were doing!

Week 5


Me and Jada bug went to the park while we waited for Kyle to get out of school. She had such a great time like she usually does. But this time it was kind of sad because she went down the slide. The first time she held my hand. Then she saw a little girl go down and told me no mommy when I tried to hold her hand again. She doesn't need her mommy to help her any more.. Its bitter sweet!

This weeks theme is [Food]. This is a breakfast that I made for my hubby and daughter one morn. I have been sick the past week and when I'm sick I cook [alot!!]. And I get all my awesome recipes from pinterest. Its an awesome place to get amazing ideas! And of course this is one of them and since its near valentines they had ton of heart cookie cutters.